I couldn’t stand another second


It’s twenty years since I started my old blog, it seems as good a time as any to start writing to the void again. Let’s see where this takes me, there’s a lot to write about, and the coming months will be full of new adventures, travel, art, poetry and the froth from my mental ….  Read More

He spoke of brothers many…


Rules for a happy life. 1. When you’ve finished paying for your petrol, just fuck off, as quickly as you can… someone else is waiting. 2. Don’t slate someone else’s music choice… Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s shit. 3. Give poetry a chance, it’s a higher form of art, it’s uplifting, ….  Read More

History puts a saint in every dream


Time, it’s so typically human. To divide our days into ever smaller portions and then to be trapped inside the system we created, chained by our twelve jailers. We sit and watch the clock, willing the hand to move faster. Then we complain when the weekend disappeared in the blink of an eye and we’re ….  Read More

Don’t talk of dust and roses


Tips for modern life #1 Whilst at the supermarket, as you’re ratching in the bargain bin for out of date plums and dented tins of tomatoes, just leave your trolley blocking the whole aisle. Most of us harbour a mistaken premise that shopping is boring and takes far too long. We will never learn the ….  Read More

Fishing for a good time


Starts with throwing in your line….. every one of my posts will have a lyric as the title, it will be a link or a thread to pull. This place is an attempt to break the habit of social media, but should still allow me to vent spleen or jot ill considered drunken shite. Let’s ….  Read More